Getting baptized can be a big milestone in a religious person's life. Whether they are baptized as an infant or it involves a personal decision later, it is quite a significant event. However, there are times when a baptism doesn't quite go according to plan. Sometimes it may be a minor issue that is easily rectified, while other situations can cause a problem with the validation of the baptism.

Technical Difficulties

Of course, while some technical difficulties are sometimes preventable, some are not. For example, ensuring the water is at the proper temperature should be a simple task, but if it is not done, it can make it difficult or even impossible to enter the water. On the other hand, things like issues with the microphone or video equipment (if the baptism is being recorded) can be unexpected.

Health Concerns

If the person being baptized is down with a cold or sickness, it may be best to reschedule the baptism. In addition, some health conditions may make baptizing a challenge. For example, if someone has a broken bone, is in a wheelchair, or has a medical device that cannot get wet, then modifications may need to be made.


During the baptism, there is always the chance that something goes wrong. For example, the person performing the baptism may drop the person underwater, or someone may slip and fall. In a viral TikTok video, there is a baptism in which the pastor's microphone caused an electric shock in the water, electrocuting the gentleman he was baptizing. Thankfully, he made a full recovery.


Occasionally, there may be a misunderstanding or conflict between the person wanting to be baptized and the church or person performing the baptism. These conflicts may stem from a difference in doctrine or how the person being baptized believes it should be performed.

The church can prevent this by offering a meeting or class before the baptism occurs to ensure the person understands the baptism. If not, these conflicts need to be resolved before the baptism moves forward.

Outdoor Baptisms

Unfortunately, outdoor baptisms have many more variables and many more opportunities to go wrong. Baptisms must be planned around the weather. Otherwise, it can lead to a dangerous situation.

For example, at the end of 2022 a baptism ceremony at the Jukskei River in South Africa took a tragic turn when a flash flood swept in and caused rapidly rising waters. The rushing waters killed over a dozen people, while rescuers had to save several more from the water. Local authorities had warned of potential flash flooding and encouraged locals to be cautious.

Invalidated Baptisms

Sometimes, something goes wrong during a baptism, which can invalidate the baptism. Such is the case for an Arizona priest who had been using the wrong phrase in baptisms for almost 30 years. 

The priest, Fr. Andres Arango, accidentally used the phrase "we baptize you" instead of "I baptize you." While the simple confusion in pronouns may not seem like a big deal, it is a blunder that can cause many baptisms to be considered invalid, and perhaps some marriages as well. Due to this error, he has decided to resign, and the church is working to get in contact with those whose baptisms may be declared invalid.

This has raised some controversy, as some may have difficulty understanding why a simple word mixup can lead to an invalid baptism. However, in the Catholic Church, the exact phrasing is an important part of the baptism process.

While most baptisms will go off without a hitch, it can be helpful to anticipate things that may go wrong so that you can take steps to prevent them if possible.

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