Shades of Red Wedding FlowersFlowers have long played an important part in wedding traditions. There is something intrinsically romantic about filling a space with the colorful bounty of nature. As with most rituals connected to nuptials, the custom has seen a ton of changes over the generations. In fact, floral trends shift from one year to the next. If you’re currently putting together the details of your big day, flowers will likely be a big part of the process. To make the journey a bit easier, take a look at what experts have had to say about this year’s hottest options.

Color Is Key

Every shade of the rainbow is present in nature, and blossoms are no exception. However, trends in the past have often forced couples to limit their palettes in order to create a cohesive theme for the event. Though practical from a design perspective, the trend seems to be taking a backseat to the concept of using color to the fullest. In fact, some couples are going to such extremes that they are purposefully selecting shades that clash in order to give a bold and memorable edge to the day.  

Experts in the industry have a few theories on why people are moving toward this trend. Since many weddings were postponed due to the spread of COVID-19, embracing color seems to be a way of allowing as much joy as possible into their events. 

Bigger Is Better

Minimalism was at the forefront of most wedding themes for the better part of the last decade. Understated events with small touches made for pictures that couples could easily share on Instagram and Pinterest. As with any trend that sticks around for more than a few years, people have begun to push in the complete opposite direction. With floral arrangements, this has led to the idea of big and elaborate designs. In some cases, couples have gone as far as to have entire gardens stylized to include ornate hedges trimmed to cultivate a leafy menagerie.

Ethereal Is Everywhere

Another interesting concept that has been appearing in the last year has been an emphasis on ethereality. This goes beyond selecting flowers based on color and veers into territory where your decision is centered on the shape and overall quality of the blossoms. Wispy, cloud-like flowers are big in this regard, as are any options that look as if they were pulled from a dream. Consider the unique, exotic, and bizarre, and you may be surprised by the inspiration that comes your way. 

One Choice Is Fine

Though it seems that a number of the options discussed already are all about making big and bold choices, another trend that is taking off is picking only a single color to work with. Going with an option like red, for example, allows you the chance to use a variety of shades and variations in order to bring out a truly captivating style within set parameters. You might be surprised to discover how limiting yourself in this way can really get your wheels turning and help you think outside the box. 

Petals All Around

While you might think about floral arrangements for your nuptials in terms of bouquets and centerpieces, there are other elements that couples are focusing on these days to add special touches to their events. Throwing petals around the venue might be the job of the flower girl during the ceremony, but you can take this concept a step farther by having these delicate floral offerings strewn about the reception space as well. Clusters of colorful petals on tables or on the ground to create the borders for walkways can be a beautiful way to decorate.

Picking the right blossoms for your big day can take many different forms. Whether you go with traditional arrangements or opt for a modern trend, looking at the variety of choices before you can be a perfect way to stimulate your imagination and see what’s possible.

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