It can often be difficult to process the loss of someone you love. Whether the death was sudden or something you were able to prepare for, you are likely going to find yourself grappling with intense emotions. While a funeral is a chance to process some of these feelings, most people require additional time to work through their grief. One of the best ways to come to terms with the passing of a loved one is by throwing a celebration of life. Consider these tips to plan a perfect memorial service for someone you’ve lost. 

Decide on the Basics

Unlike a funeral, a celebration of life does not need to happen immediately after the death of a loved one. In fact, most people schedule memorial services weeks or months after someone has passed away. To get your plans underway, you must first select a date and location for the service. When picking a venue, think about factors like how many people you’d like to invite. If you don’t want to limit the guest list, you can explore outdoor options like local parks. If you’d prefer an intimate location like a restaurant, get an approximate headcount in advance. 

Ask for Help

Planning a memorial service for a loved one can easily become an emotional experience. Instead of tackling the details on your own, it is best to reach out to friends or family members for assistance. Having the ability to delegate important tasks to people you trust can make the process more manageable and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed. Try not to take on more than you can handle, especially if you are still dealing with your grief or struggling to process the reality of your loss. 

Consider Food and Drink

Though not a requirement, most celebrations of life include food and drink for guests. There is no need to go overboard with this aspect of the service. One of the best ways to make the event feel like it is honoring your loved one is by serving his or her favorite foods. If the departed frequented a local restaurant, reach out and see if they would be able to cater the event. Similarly, you can gather some close friends together in advance and cook your loved one’s favorite dishes as a group. 

Think About Speeches

Speeches are a common feature of a celebration of life. However, you may not want to put anyone on the spot during the event. Reach out to a few of your loved one’s closest friends and see who would be interested in saying a few words during the service. After the prepared speeches, you can make an announcement to the crowd to see if any other guests would like to speak. Some attendees might be interested in reading a poem, singing a song, or telling funny anecdotes about the deceased, which prevent the event from becoming too somber. 

Personalize the Gathering

Finally, consider little details that showcase the personality of the deceased. For example, you can use your loved one’s personal items as decor. If he or she was a fan of a specific sports team, place memorabilia around the venue as a way of honoring this. You might also wish to consider creating a playlist of the departed’s favorite songs. By filling the space with as many personal details as you can, you will feel as if your loved one is present in the room as you celebrate his or her life. 

Honor Your Loved One

While losing someone you love can be a devastating experience, there are countless ways to honor the departed and process your complicated feelings of grief. A celebration of life is a perfect way to bring friends and family together to honor the life of someone who was truly irreplaceable.

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