Being asked to speak at a wedding can be a huge honor for most people. When you are entrusted with this responsibility, it means that the couple believes you will do the job justice. Naturally, crafting the perfect speech can be a challenge. There are a number of points you need to hit and plenty of topics you should try to avoid in order for the toast to be considered successful. Make the process easier on yourself by reviewing these tips on how you can put together a speech that the couple will love. 

Speak From the Heart

To get the ball rolling, you need to sit down and write out a first draft. The best way to do this is to write directly from the heart. Think about the couple and any experiences you have had with them over the years. If specific memories or stories come to mind immediately, jot down details from the moments. The first draft is more of a brainstorming session than anything else, so you don’t need to worry about having the speech polished during this phase. Your goal is simply to generate some ideas you can incorporate into your next draft. 

Avoid Embarrassing Details

A big point to keep in mind while writing your toast is to avoid any stories that might be embarrassing or uncomfortable for the couple. No matter how funny or interesting a detail might be, you need to ask yourself whether or not it is an appropriate point to include in a wedding speech. Talking about a time when the groom got blackout drunk during a college party is probably not a great topic to talk about in front of his family. As a rule of thumb, make sure any stories included show the couple in a positive light. 

Show Love to Both Parties

While you might be closer to one-half of the couple, your speech should be as balanced as possible. This means that you need to show love to both people in your toast. If you don’t know many details about your friend’s betrothed, then focus on your observations about the relationship. Discuss how happy and alive your friend has seemed since first meeting his or her significant other. Putting an emphasis on the couple and not the individual will make your toast more appealing and engaging to everyone present at the reception. 

Keep the Speech Brief

A wedding toast does not need to be a long or rambling speech. In fact, it is best to keep your words as brief as possible. According to wedding experts, guests start to lose focus if a toast goes on for too long. You don’t want to be responsible for draining the energy out of the room with your speech, so your best bet is to be succinct. The ideal length of a wedding toast is between five and seven minutes in length. While you can go shorter or longer if necessary, aiming for this range should be your goal. 

Practice in Advance

Before the big day arrives, you absolutely need to practice your toast a few times. Speaking the words out loud will help you catch any awkward phrasings that might exist. Plus, going over the speech is a great way to time it out and ensure you aren’t going on for too long. Instead of reading the toast on your own, ask a friend or family member to listen to your delivery. Having an audience is a great way to get comfortable with the speech and can provide you with outside insight. 

Feel the Love

While being asked to deliver a toast at a wedding is an honor, it is also a big responsibility. Give yourself plenty of time to craft the perfect speech and help the couple feel loved and appreciated on their big day.

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