Comfort Zone and Success SignsHuman beings crave comfort. It's normal to want to spend most of your time in places where you feel safe, loved, accepted and whole. Many churches use considerable resources making sure that they propagate this kind of environment, and that's a good thing. It should be one of the primary goals of the church to ensure that it is an environment where everyone feels comfortable and welcome.

There is value in seeking discomfort, too. It would be nice if life would just hand you all the things you need to know to enter into whatever new stage you are living, but that's not the way it usually works. Whether you're seeking new wisdom, understanding or ways to serve, you will probably have to step off your usual path to find what you are looking for.


It's hard to grow when you don't risk anything or take the next step into the unknown. How are you supposed to explore new areas if you are too scared to leave where you are? Facing fear is the first step to overcoming it. Challenges may take you outside your comfort zone, but they also can lead to big improvements in many areas:

  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Performance
  • Knowledge
  • Productivity

For example, it's not always fun to practice good conflict management skills. Hardly anyone actually enjoys conflict, but taking the initiative to engage in healthy confrontations can help you solve problems, clear up misunderstandings and build stronger relationships. All it takes is a little bit of courage and a dose of discomfort to experience this kind of growth.


The world is full of people who have different perspectives, rituals, values, lifestyles and identities. Even within the same main culture, there are many subcultures where the life experiences of those within them are vastly different from other social groups. It is natural to want to be around people who are similar to you, and those groups are important for maintaining stability and good mental health. It's just as important, however, to step outside of your own social groups on a regular basis to foster empathy and understanding.

Historically, the church at large has not been welcoming to LGBTQIA+ believers. While many congregations recognize the error in this perspective and go out of their way to welcome them, others are still hesitant to have the frank discussions needed to learn what being truly inclusive entails. However, having these conversations, while possibly difficult at first, is an important step toward showing that the church values and supports all of God's children.


It's easy to recognize the needs of your friends and close family. Most of the time, in fact, those close to you will just tell you what they need, knowing that they can trust you to help if you are able to do so. This makes it easy to serve those you love without really having to get too uncomfortable. 

How do you learn about the needs of your neighbors, though? Parts of the city that are not part of your everyday life may be the places that need your help the most. Stepping out of your comfort zone increases your awareness of how to use your resources to make your community stronger. Volunteer with organizations that provide services to prisoners. There are likely food banks, soup kitchens and homeless shelters that provide basic needs for those who otherwise would have to do without. While raising or donating money is helpful, you may learn more about how to care for your fellow humans through the opportunity of volunteering your service.

Feeling safe and comfortable is an innate human desire. However, occasionally seeking discomfort can enrich your life, too.

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