Core Values GraphicA thriving, vibrant community is the goal of every church leader. Likewise, people of faith who are seeking a new congregation are looking for those who share their values. Whether you are seeking a new church or trying to update your church website to better reflect who you are as a community, you need to know what your core values are.

Core values are the central principles by which your faith community lives. While you may have many values, there are likely a few distinct themes that arise in your regular operations. These themes represent the things that are the most important to you. Discovering what they are can help you in several ways.

Cast a Clear Vision

It is easy to get caught up in the everyday tasks of the church. In fact, after a while, you may find yourself going through the motions of habits without really thinking about why you do them. Having a clear list of core values helps you maintain the vision of your church by answering the important questions:

  • Who are we as a community?
  • Whom do we serve?
  • What standards are non-negotiable?
  • How do we evaluate success?

Understanding your main values helps you communicate where you're going as a community more clearly. These principles supply a backdrop for all the work of the church.

Set Your Church Apart

Once you identify the core values of your faith community, you gain a deeper understanding of what makes your church unique. While many groups that follow the same religion may have similar doctrines, each group's specific core values reveal which theological elements are the focus of its ministry. This valuable information is instrumental in communicating your congregation's culture. Each church has its own personality, and this is one way you can strengthen its identity. 

Guide Important Decisions

Churches are often bombarded with hundreds of opportunities to serve the community. While these invitations are usually welcome, it's not always possible to engage with every single one. You need something to guide your decision of which ones to choose, and a list of your core values is a great place to start. Keeping what is most important to you in mind can help you choose the projects about which your congregation is likely to be enthusiastic.

Choosing which community groups to work with isn't the only decision leaders have to make. When issues arise within the congregation, particularly if there is a lot of disagreement on what should be done, your core values give you something to lean on for support. Asking those who represent each side in the conversation to show how their viewpoint matches the shared principles of the community often can help them distinguish between their personal preferences and what needs to happen.

Inspire Current Members and Attract New Ones

Being part of a faith community is fulfilling, but it can also be a lot of work. Sharing core values with which current members agree helps them remember why the work is worth the effort. It can inspire a sense of healthy pride in what you are doing as a group. It may also be what attracts new members to your church. When people seek a faith community, they usually look for one that matches their own spiritual and social goals. A clear statement of your own values acts like a magnet to those who share them.

You probably already have a mission and vision statement for your church, but it's important to identify your core values as well. Knowing the foundational principles by which you operate can make your vision more inspiring for current members and attract like-minded people who are looking for a new place to worship. 

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