Old Books and a PocketwatchPeople like to plan for the future. There are many resources out there to aid you in reasonable goal-setting and guide you in achieving what you set out to do. Your best resource, however, may be your own memories. Many people discount the benefit of looking back on the past, but nostalgia can have positive effects on both your present and your future. 

Enhance Positive Outlook

Thinking back to a moment when you felt lucky or fulfilled can re-create the feelings you had then. In this way, happy memories give you a positive present. This is particularly useful if you are in the middle of a rough time, as you may receive an immediate positive surge. Remembering times when life was great can renew your hope that your future can be fantastic too.

It's not surprising that reminiscing about good times can make you feel happy. What may catch you off guard is how many tangible benefits you reap from those feelings. Enhanced optimism from happy memories can boost creativity in several ways:

  • Tap into previous inspiration
  • Confirm how you have grown as a creative person
  • Clarify perceptions to lead to new discoveries

All of these processes can motivate you to branch out in your creative tasks. Just by spending a little time reflecting on your favorite memories, you can find new ways to express what you have learned.

Reframing Memories

Nostalgia doesn't just give you an encouraging outlook for what's to come but also examines the memories that helped to form your perspective of the world. Humans are very impressionable when it comes to processing experiences. It only takes a few memorable instances to solidify a belief that you have about yourself or the world.

You may experience this phenomenon in therapy. When you articulate an assumption you have about yourself that is holding you back, your doctor asks why you feel that way. For example, if you struggle to get through your to-do list, you may assume that it's because you're lazy, especially if that was the reason others, particularly authority figures, gave for such outcomes when you were younger. However, there are many different possible reasons that you're having this difficulty. By reframing these memories, you can eventually adjust your perception of yourself so you can overcome it.

Strengthens Sense of Community

In addition to boosting your own self-esteem through a renewed perspective, you can also strengthen how connected you feel to others. Looking back reminds you of the positive regard you have for the people who are part of the memories. If they have passed on, memory serves as a method for processing your grief and reviewing everything you gained from your time together. 

You can also use memories as motivation to create new ones together. For example, looking at pictures of past vacations with your family can help you decide where you want to go next. Did you enjoy that new restaurant you tried with your book club? Make a date to meet up there again or find the next new hot spot.

Nostalgia can be especially helpful at times when you feel lonely. Peruse old photos or scrapbooks. Reread letters. Don't stop there, though. Let this sense of connection inspire you to reach out to people you haven't seen or talked to in a while. They're probably missing you as much as you miss them and will be delighted to hear from you. 

Looking toward the future facilitates curiosity, learning and growth, but reflecting on the past can do the same. By embracing nostalgia and giving in to your urge to reminisce, you can enhance your life both now and in the days to come.

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