The Basics of HyggeCultivating happiness in your life and the lives of those around you is often easier said than done. You may get glimpses of it occasionally before you return to your grueling schedule and demanding to-do list. It's not unusual for people to discover at the end of the week that they are exhausted and in desperate need of rejuvenation.

The Danish practice of hygge gives self-care and relaxation their proper places in your life. Just by adding in elements of things that bring you joy, you can significantly improve your overall happiness and well-being. Here are a few basics to get you started.

Cozy Environment

Look at each room in your home. How can you make it warmer and more inviting? Each space should at least have comfortable seating, but you can add in other things that you love too. A stack of blankets or a few strategically draped on chairs or the sofa can help both family and guests feel cared for.

Don't stop at soft fabrics and places to lounge. Consider all your senses when designing your perfect environment. A fireplace can offer both warmth and soft light. Add lamps, candles or twinkle lights to create a cozy atmosphere. Invest in a good sound system so that you can surround yourself with your favorite music at a moment's notice.

Comforting Activities

Joy is just as much about what you do as where you are. Pick a few of your favorite hobbies or activities to turn into habits:

  • Knitting
  • Gardening
  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Walking

It's nice to have a rewarding job, but you're not meant to work all the time. Finding something that makes life more fun is an important part of safeguarding your sanity because it gives you the downtime you need.

Luscious Food and Drink

One easy way to practice hygge throughout the day is with delicious food and beverages. Start your day with coffee prepared exactly the way you like it. Enjoy seasonal fruits and vegetables at lunch. Have breakfast for dinner. It doesn't really matter what you enjoy as long as you are mindful of the choices you make and lean toward the things you love.

This habit falls right in step with intuitive eating. Rather than counting calories and tracking all the ways that your choices fall short of whatever ideal you have in your head, you learn to listen to your body so that you can simply give it what it wants. This practice not only makes you healthier in the long run but also helps you enjoy life along the way.

Quality Family Time

No matter how many cozy practices you have incorporated in your life, it's the people you love who matter most. One of the main factors of hygge is quality time with your family. You can make nightly dinners together a priority, or pick a specific day of the weekend to designate as the time you spend together.

Keep in mind that family doesn't just have to be related by blood. Your relationships with your chosen family of close friends can be just as important. Identify the people who support you and help you grow as a person, and focus the bulk of your social attention on them.

Daily Gratitude

Finally, take time each day to practice gratitude. It may be helpful to jot some notes down in a journal. Alternatively, you can turn it into a family ritual in which everyone takes a moment to tell something they're thankful for at the end of the day. 

Regardless of how busy your life gets, you deserve to be happy. Incorporating a few hygge basics can help you remember the things that give you joy.

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