If you are dealing with a lot of stress surrounding your wedding night, you aren't alone. Many people feel the pressure to perform well on their wedding night, which can lead to many fears and anxieties. While there is no recipe for a perfect wedding night, you can do a few things to help ensure the wedding night is smooth and enjoyable for both parties.

Be Clear on Expectations

You and your partner should discuss your wedding night hopes and expectations before the wedding night itself. Think about it; you both worry about what the other wants, that you aren't living up to expectations, etc. However, it may be that the other person is feeling the same way. Communicating how you would like the wedding night to go is a great way to help get on the same page about what you want your night to look like. 

Set the Mood

Wedding days are often stressful, long, and chaotic, and it can be hard to shift gears into enjoying your wedding night. You can do a few things to help set the mood, creating a calm and relaxing environment for the both of you. For example, consider lighting some candles for the perfect mood lighting. Play some music that will get the both of you in the mood or even something that will just help you relax. You might consider unwinding with a bath or shower together, letting the day's chaos wash away with the hot water. 

Don't Rush Things

The anticipation leading to your wedding night can often lead to a rushed moment. Try to take things slowly. Not only will this help you enjoy the moment more, but it will likely take the pressure off. Drink some wine, light some candles, and spend time cuddling to slow things down. You'll only get to experience your wedding night once, so you want to take advantage of your time with what could be a wonderful moment of connection for both of you.

Connect in Other Ways

There are many ways to connect with your new spouse, and embracing this opportunity to communicate with them physically and emotionally can help make your wedding night unforgettable. This connection can be as simple as talking with each other, maintaining eye contact, or physical contact such as a massage or cuddling. 

Accept Your (and Your Partner's) Imperfections

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone perfectly content with how they look. In today's day and age, there is an expectation to weigh the ideal amount, have flawless skin, and look perfect all around. However, that is simply not realistic. In fact, it would be boring if that were the case. Instead of seeing your imperfections as a negative quality, try to embrace them. Furthermore, communicate what you are worried about with your spouse. They likely have concerns as well, and if you can accept what you would consider flaws in yourself and your partner, you both will be much more satisfied with how your wedding night goes.

Try Something New

Experimenting with something new on your wedding night can be fun, especially if this is not your first time together. Don't be afraid to share your fantasies and things you may like to try. Talking about your fantasies can spice up the wedding night and make it a once-in-a-lifetime experience for both of you.

Just about everyone feels pressured on their wedding night, but these are all things you can do to help take the pressure off you and your partner. Keep these in mind for your wedding night so that it's an enjoyable time that neither of you ever forget.

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