Baptism Party SpreadYour child's baptism is an important day for you and your family. Because it's such a meaningful event, many people choose to have a party to celebrate the occasion. Here are some things to consider if you opt to do so.


One of the things you'll need to decide is when to throw the party. In general, people tend to have a celebration immediately following the event. This will often make it easier on your guests. Some may find this tricky, as it's hard to set up for a party while witnessing a baptism. If that is not feasible, try to have the event within a week of the baptism. 

To help with this, consider asking a trusted friend or family member to help out. For example, this person may help prepare food or decorate. Conversely, you can prepare for the party as much as possible beforehand. Things like cleaning and decorating can take place before the event, and you can keep food warm in a crockpot. In addition, mainly serving shelf-stable foods will prevent you from needing to pull a lot of things out right before the party.


Another to think about is where to have your event. If you have a home close to the location of the baptism, this may be your cheapest option, and it also gives you the ability to set up beforehand. If this is not an option, contact the baptism site to see if you can rent the space for a party. If not, then a nearby restaurant is another alternative.

Guest List

The guest list is another thing you will have to consider. Inviting family members and close friends who support the baptism is a good start. If your child is old enough, be sure to ask if there is anyone they would like to invite. Send the invitations out a couple of weeks in advance so that guests have time to make arrangements to attend.


The decorations can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you want. You can choose a color or theme to determine your tablecloth, balloons, and other decorations. However, suppose you are looking for something more unique. In that case, you can look into personalized napkins or something that represents the person being baptized.

The same goes for party favors. Children in particular often enjoy having a party favor to take home. It doesn't have to be fancy; things like bubbles, candy, and stickers are perfect options.


If you are throwing a party, consider giving the recipient a gift. Getting something personalized to commemorate the event is a great option. Alternatively, you might consider something like a piece of jewelry, a journal, or something that can hang on the wall.


You will need to decide what you want to serve for food. Cake may be a great option if you are strapped for time and money. You can have one personalized at your local bakery or grocery store or bake one at home. 

Consider serving appetizers or a full meal if your party is during a mealtime. Pasta and salad are good choices for feeding a large group of people. They are relatively inexpensive, and you can make a lot at once. A fruit or veggie tray and cheese and cracker trays are good options for appetizers. Chips and dips are other alternatives.

When throwing a party celebrating a baptism, you should think about these things. Remember, above all else, that the baptism is the most important part of the day, and try not to put too much pressure on yourself to throw a perfect party. This can allow you to enjoy the event more.

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