As of 2023, experts state there are currently more than 4000 religions actively being practiced around the planet. While you might be familiar with the bigger organizations out there, it stands to reason there are still hundreds, if not thousands, of religious movements that have never been on your radar. Take a look at this selection of semi-obscure religions and learn a bit more about the vast and varied spiritual systems that comprise the beliefs of humanity. 

Church of All Worlds

There are a number of religious movements centered around neopagan philosophies. One of the more interesting is the Church of All Worlds. Founded in 1962, the Church of All Worlds was inspired by a work of fiction. Though it is not an exact copy, the religious movement basically follows similar principles of a religion of the same name that is featured in the book “Stranger in a Strange Land.” Due to this connection, the religion has long contained a number of elements that connect back to different concepts from science fiction. 

While the basic beliefs of the religion revolve around the “reawakening” of the Earth-goddess Gaia, there is no strict doctrine or dogma to which followers must adhere. Though some of the followers of the religion might worship or pray to gods and goddesses from various pantheons, members of the religion are also taught to respect the beliefs of others. 


Aliens are not a foreign concept when it comes to religion. While the Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism push the concept of Earth being the center of all life, other spiritual groups have differing opinions. For those who follow Raëlism, for example, extraterrestrial organisms are part of daily life. In fact, the religion actually claims to receive its guidance from aliens themselves. These creatures from other worlds are said to visit Earth every now and then with messages about how humans should live their lives. 

While it might be a small religion, current statistics state that there are roughly 70,000 individuals who identify as members of Raëlism. What’s more, the religious movement is not concentrated in a specific area. Instead, believers can be found spread across 100 different countries. 

Followers of Mami Wata

Long before Europeans made contact with the people of Africa and its varied regions, people all across the continent worshipped a variety of water spirits. Above all, Mami Wata seemed the most prevalent. Revered in cultures that span West, Central, and South Africa, Mami Wata is said to be the embodiment of water, time, and fertility. It is important to note that Mami Wata is not always viewed as a singular figure. In fact, some cultures use the term to refer to a number of different deities associated with water.

The followers of Mami Wata are not limited to Africa, either. Due to European colonization and the horrors of the slave trade, beliefs from different African regions got mixed and melted together in new places. This has led to a number of individuals in the Afro-American diaspora finding a connection to Mami Wata and other African spirits. 


Finally, no list of obscure world religions would be complete without mentioning Jediism. Born of the “Star Wars” film franchise, Jediism basically follows the same principals showcased throughout the various “Star Wars” films, television shows, books, comics, and other media. While the followers might not be able to access lightsabers or choke someone using the Force from a distance, they still adhere to a strict code of morality that aligns with the peaceful, strong Jedi depicted in the franchise. 

Discover the Spiritual World

There are plenty of religions found across the planet. While you might not be able to name all of them, you can still do your part to learn about the more intriguing and obscure spiritual systems of humanity.

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