Honeymoon CampingWeddings have grown increasingly more expensive over the last few years. With couples feeling the pressure of renting Insta-worthy venues and copying the ideas of celebrities and royal family members, it is no surprise the costs have skyrocketed. If you’re spending a lot on the event itself, your honeymoon budget might be tighter than you’d like. While this can limit you in some ways, it is entirely possible to have an enjoyable honeymoon without pouring cash into the experience. Consider these ways to make the most of the situation and find an option that appeals to you.

Discover Your Town

No matter how long you’ve lived where you do, there are bound to be a ton of facts you don’t know about the region. Use your honeymoon as an opportunity to rediscover the beauty and excitement of familiar places. If you live in a city like New York, dive into all of the tourist traps that you actively avoid on a daily basis. You’ll develop a new appreciation for locations like the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building once you’ve explored them from a different perspective.

Those who live in smaller communities can dive into the history of their town. Hop in the car and drive around the area to find important, historic, supernatural, or pretty spots to stop. You can do some research in advance and create a map and itinerary of all the “strange and exotic” sights you plan to see in your own backyard. 

Bring the Fancy Dining to You

Nothing is better than a meal made with your own hands. When you get to share the experience with someone you love, it becomes that much sweeter. Bring a world of culinary excursions to your kitchen and delve into the excitement that comes from cooking a new and unusual dish. Since you can’t hop a flight to Italy, learn how to make the authentic cuisine served in the region. Food is one of the easiest ways to experience an important aspect of a culture without the need to leave your house. 

Some people don’t like to cook or have serious struggles when attempting to make a meal. If this sounds familiar, there are alternatives. Ordering from local restaurants that you love or have been interested in trying can be a great solution. Get creative with how you present the food and cultivate the right atmosphere. Light candles, play music that matches the meal, and find simple ways to mimic the experience of being at a restaurant right in your living room. 

See What the Natural World Can Offer

A tight budget doesn’t mean you can’t go anywhere. There are plenty of vacations you can take without spending a ton of money. In fact, camping is one of the cheapest ways to get away from home and have a memorable experience. Whether you already spend plenty of time in the woods or you have never gone camping in your life, this can be a fantastic way to bond as a couple and see how you fare when tested against the many unknown factors of the outdoors. 

Visit Your Loved Ones

During your wedding, you might not have the opportunity to really talk with the friends and family who have come out to celebrate. One way to spend your honeymoon period is by visiting with the people you love and having a more substantial hangout. This is a fun way of elongating your wedding celebration in the weeks following the event. Once you start a family of your own, it might be difficult to find the time for everyone. Now is the perfect chance to make memories with the people you care about before you embark on your future.

A tight budget doesn’t make for a boring honeymoon. As long as you can get creative, there’s no limit to what you can do.

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