Laughing Relaxed CoupleRelationships change and evolve over time. People also have a habit of changing as individuals within a relationship. For married couples, there is a constant struggle of retaining a certain degree of autonomy without losing touch with each other. Though staying on the same page can be challenging, it is far from impossible. Follow these suggestions and learn more about how you can tend to the needs of your relationship no matter what unexpected twists and turns the future has in store. 


Since communication is a foundational component of any strong relationship, it should go without saying that you need to engage with your partner regularly to avoid major problems. Research shows that miscommunication or a total lack of conversation tend to be the largest causes of marital troubles. While it is far from a panacea, effective communication usually reduces the severity of arguments within a relationship. People often have very different styles when it comes to communication, so you must understand your own preferences while simultaneously recognizing your partner’s way of expressing his or her needs.

Talk About Tomorrow

Life is best handled by taking it one day at a time. Still, this doesn’t mean you should neglect the future entirely. Couples start to drift apart when they no longer have shared goals. Make it a habit to discuss the future and what steps you would like to take both individually and together. This can include big decisions like starting a family or smaller considerations like taking a vacation in the coming year. When you’re building something together, it becomes easier to stay focused on the other’s wants and needs.

Practice Acceptance

When you’ve been with your partner for a long time, the little quirks that used to be endearing will start to warp into causes of major frustration. Relationship experts state that this occurs after the “honeymoon phase” of the relationship ends and the body stops producing excess amounts of oxytocin, better known as the “love drug.” When the blissful effects of this hormone fade, it becomes way easier to get aggravated by little habits. The best way to deal with this? Accept certain traits. More often than not, acceptance prevents you from continuously taking on unnecessary stress.  

This is not to say that you should accept or ignore habits that are negatively impacting you in a real way. If your partner is being inconsiderate or outright rude, you need to address these concerns to move forward together. Staying quiet about a toxic trait is way more damaging than practicing acceptance over your partner’s habit of talking with a mouthful of food.  

Be Clear

Clarity is wildly important when it comes to staying on the same page in your relationship. If you make assumptions or are vague in how you approach certain topics, it can lead to a mess of misunderstandings that vary in severity. Also, some people need to be reminded of things more than once. If your spouse tends to forget things said in a hurry, leave a note to provide a gentle refresher. Whether you need to work late, have a preference for dinner, or are anticipating visiting relatives, clarity makes all scenarios easier to handle. 

Learn More About Yourself

Though strengthening a relationship takes two, you should use these moments as a chance to work on yourself. To be a better communicator and partner, you should understand your own needs. The more in touch you are with yourself, the easier it becomes to recognize how to be a better partner.

Marriage involves a lifetime of work and commitment. When you feel yourself drifting from your partner, take time to connect in a direct way. By communicating and practicing a few basic concepts, you can learn more about each other and always remain on the same page.

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