Loved ones at a funeralAfter the loss of a loved one, you may find yourself at a loss for how to properly honor the life of the person who has passed away. One option worth consideration is a memorial service. Also known as a celebration of life, a memorial service is a gathering of the deceased’s friends and family that is typically held sometime after the body has been laid to rest. If this sounds like an appealing idea, review these suggestions and learn how to put together a service that is fitting for your departed loved one. 

Pick an Appropriate Date

Unlike a funeral or wake, which is usually held immediately upon a person’s passing, a memorial service can take place at any point after someone has died. In many cases, families will wait about a year to hold this type of gathering. If you want to give the service additional substance, consider planning it for a date that held meaning for the departed. A birthday or anniversary are perfect options that can give the event a touch of personal significance.  

Find a Perfect Location

After you’ve decided upon a date, it is time to seek out a venue. Memorial services can be held anywhere from a restaurant to a public park. When picking a location, you should consider both the sentimental component as well as how convenient a destination the venue will be for guests. If you have the available space, you can even host the gathering from the comfort of your own home. 

Select Speakers

There is no specific timeline that needs to be followed when it comes to a memorial service. However, a majority of these events tend to feature speeches by people who had close relationships with the departed. When arranging the details of the service, you should reach out to people who you believe would like to say a few words. You can ask people to write their own speeches in advance or read an excerpt from a book, song, or religious text that held significance to the deceased. 

Consider Your Decor

The right decorations can also be a key component toward hosting a successful memorial service. Since this is a celebration of the life of the departed, you want to fill the space with as many reminders of the individual as possible. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is by creating poster boards with an array of your favorite photos of your loved one. If the venue has the capabilities, you may also wish to create a digital slideshow of pictures and videos that can play on a loop throughout the service. 

Some families also like to bring items of importance to the service. If your loved one was a big football fan, for example, you can decorate the space with memorabilia from his or her favorite team. 

Think About Food and Drink

Finally, think about what you will be offering guests in terms of refreshments. If the service is going to be held at a restaurant, then food and drink will likely be fully handled by the space. However, hosting your event at home or in a public setting means that you will need to come up with a plan for snacks and libations. Anyone who is looking to save money might want to consider a potluck. When everyone brings a dish, it can serve as a reminder to the community of support you have around you. 

Celebrate Your Loved One

Though it can be difficult to go through the loss of a loved one, a memorial service can act as the perfect way to honor and respect the life of the departed. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this task, either. Simply put together an event that highlights your loved one and it will act as a perfect celebration of life.

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