Busy DayThere are very few jobs that don't occasionally entail a hectic workday. The busyness doesn't have to control your anxiety level, though. Here are some tips for having a busy day without the extra stress.

Start the Day With Movement

It may seem counterintuitive to add one more thing to the to-do list on a day that's already busy. However, making time for exercise before you do anything else has its benefits.

  • Boosts mood
  • Enhances focus
  • Regulates metabolism
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases alertness

Another bonus of completing your workout early is that once your busy day is over, you can just relax with your family instead of trying to figure out how to work in some cross-training or a quick run. In moments of stress, you can pause to look forward to the restful evening ahead.

Schedule Important Tasks Early

One of the main causes of anxious thoughts during a chaotic workday is the feeling that you won't be able to finish everything you need to accomplish. To combat this phenomenon, make a list of all the things you need to do the next day before you leave for home. Then rearrange them in order of priority. Put the top three tasks on your calendar in the morning, and schedule everything else in descending order of importance throughout the day. Your most pressing objectives will be on your radar as soon as you arrive. Even if something unexpected comes up that needs your immediate attention, you're more likely to still get the important stuff done.

Do One Thing at a Time

Distraction is a common component of stress. Not only is it often listed as a sign that you are experiencing anxiety, but it is also often part of the stimulus that prompts the stress reaction in the first place. It drags you away from what you are trying to finish, which may compound fears that you are being unproductive. This leads to attempts to multitask in order to catch up, which more often just perpetuates the cycle of distraction by overwhelming you.

Fight this downward spiral by intentionally focusing on one task at a time. Forming this habit takes practice, especially for those who work in high-paced environments. You may need to take extra precautions to block out potential distractions until you get the hang of it. Close your office door or wear noise-canceling headphones when you really need to concentrate on something.

Take Frequent Breaks

Finding time for breaks can be a challenge, but it is absolutely essential to a productive workday. In fact, the more you have to do, the more small breaks you should probably take. Taking two minutes to stretch at your desk can have the same positive effect on your focus as your morning exercise routine. The five minutes you spend chatting with a coworker in the break room as you get a cup of coffee or fill up your water bottle enhances social connection, thus lowering stress.

Avoid Information Overload

Staying informed about what's going on in the world and in the lives of your friends is a noble goal. It has its own time and place, though, and in the middle of your hectic workday is not it. When your calendar is full, try to skip reading the news or checking social media at lunch or on breaks. If something truly important that requires your immediate attention happens, you will hear about it in other ways. There's no need to constantly feed your mind with information that will just distract you from the day's checklist.

Handling a busy day is not for the faint of heart. But by cultivating habits that help you increase your focus and minimize distractions, you can get through it with less stress.

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