Person Contemplating Their LifeThere are many different ways to describe the feeling that you are going through the motions rather than really living. Some people call it getting stuck in a rut, while others may refer to it as not living your truth. Regardless of the term you use, there are three signs to watch for that let you know it's time for a soul check and readjustment.

Experiencing Negative Changes in Mental Health

When you spend your time on things that don't nourish your soul, their effect probably isn't neutral. It's more likely to have a negative impact on your mental health. You may experience signs of situational depression or an uptick in other symptoms that indicate you are not quite living a life that fits you:

  • Increased executive dysfunction
  • Lack of focus or brain fog
  • Hypersensitive emotional states
  • Increased frequency of panic attacks

When these experiences increase, pay attention. They are not just your body telling you to get it together or buck up. They are likely the result of something wrong in your environment that is triggering the response. Think back to when these experiences became more intense or frequent to help you identify what in your life needs to change. If you are uncomfortable doing this alone or the process seems overwhelming or hopeless, talk to your therapist for help.

Encountering a Lot of Closed Doors

Have you ever had the experience of setting your mind on something and then everything going wrong? It may have been a job that looked great on paper that turned out not to be a good fit for you. Perhaps it was a relationship with a person with whom you had everything in common but you couldn't seem to make things work. Whether you believe that obstacles are the result of the hand of Providence, the universe guiding you elsewhere or simply bad luck, the outcome remains the same. Even if a particular path is an objectively good one, that doesn't automatically make it yours to take. 

Achieving your dreams isn't necessarily supposed to be easy, but it should at least be possible. No matter how badly you want something to work, if every door slams shut as you try to proceed, that may not be a sign to try harder but rather to let go. Learning not only to recognize when this point arrives but also to release it when it does is a key component of being true to your own soul.

Expecting Disappointment

When a task you've taken on isn't the right fit, it can have a direct effect on your outlook on life. You may be a generally optimistic person but suddenly find yourself angry and frustrated about every little thing that goes wrong. If you are more prone to melancholy, you may find yourself descending into downright hopelessness. While it's fine to have high expectations, you should be able to maintain a growth mindset even when something doesn't go exactly as planned. If you need the whole process to be perfect to be worth the time you put into it, it probably means it doesn't need to be your responsibility.

Unfortunately, this can happen in relationships too. You may become more critical of the other person or let behaviors that usually wouldn't bother you get under your skin. If you are frequently angry with someone, take a step back for a moment. Ask yourself if your reaction is reasonable or if it may be due to frustration that you’re just not clicking with each other. Then have an honest discussion to air out your grievances and decide whether you really want to give the relationship a try or part amicably.

A soul check is a good tool to have in your repertoire. It can help you create a fuller life.

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