For many people who observe Easter, it's one day filled with egg hunts, decadent meals, and joyful songs. Those who follow the liturgical calendar, however, continue the celebration in the 50-day season of Eastertide. It begins on Easter Sunday and ends with Pentecost. 

How do you keep the festivities going for 50 days? Given all the other demands on your time, the idea of adding something else, especially for that long, may seem daunting. You don't need to have a party every day (unless you really want to), but there are rituals and practices you can take on during this season to celebrate the hope and joy of the resurrection of Jesus.

Decorate for the Season

A simple method for keeping Eastertide fresh in your mind is to give yourself visual reminders. There are many ways to decorate your home and other personal spaces to conjure images of hope and new life:

  • Fresh flowers on the table
  • Wall of decorative crosses
  • Easter-themed screensaver on your computer
  • Centerpieces in bright or pastel colors

You don't need to spend a lot of money to do this. In fact, if you routinely change your decor for the seasons, you probably already have items that signify the themes of Easter or can easily find them at a bargain price. Dust off your throw pillows made from cheerfully colored fabrics, or set the table for family meals with bright napkins. Even the smallest touch can make a big difference.

Include the Whole Family

Part of what makes any celebration fun is sharing it with people you love. Make the planning session a family affair. It's a good time to talk to kids about what Easter means to you, and they'll be excited that they get to help you brainstorm ways to make it fun. Including everyone in the decision process increases the chance that they will be enthusiastic participants.

There are many options for daily rituals you can use to help kids get the most out of Eastertide, and many of them may work with things you're already doing. Choose Easter-themed books for your regular storytime. Incorporate the season into your arts and crafts sessions. Watch an Easter film on family movie night, or plant a garden together while you have a conversation about new life. 

You may also consider a big family project to take on during the season. Buy a large canvas and paint a picture together. Plan a weekend getaway to visit a farm or someplace you can appreciate renewal and creation. If you have the space and time to do so, buy a few baby chicks and teach children how to care for them. Ideally, the outcome of your family project is something you can enjoy together long after the season ends.

Reach Out to Friends

Easter is a celebration of the life-giving love of God and the end of everything that keeps humans separated from God. Connecting with others and including as many people as possible in your festivities is an appropriate way to practice that freedom.

Host dinner parties and invite people you'd like to get to know better. Send out Easter cards to all your friends and family as joyful reminders that they are loved and accepted. Take time to reflect on those who have modeled what it means to live in hope and joy to you, and find a special way to thank them for being such a positive influence in your life.

Easter Sunday is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar, but the celebration doesn't have to end there. The Eastertide season gives you many opportunities to prolong the joy.

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