Modern Wedding DecorThe term “modern” can be a bit difficult to define at times, especially when it comes to wedding styles. Though it is meant to refer to current and contemporary aesthetics, the word has been used for decades. This means that what was considered “modern” a few years ago might now be viewed as kitschy or outdated. If your goal is to give your nuptials a feeling that aligns with the current day, you must first gain perspective on what that exactly means to you. Look over this guide to find a quick and effective solution. 

The Fashion Side

One big component in any modern event is fashion. When a couple decides to adopt this theme, they likely want to wear clothing that has a fashion-forward appeal. This, however, doesn’t mean that there is a singular way to dress for the occasion. Since popular styles change between seasons, your best bet is to look at trendy blogs and social accounts that keep current with all changes impacting the fashion industry. The more you wander back, however, the easier it is to run the risk of looking like you’re wearing “last season’s” wedding musts. 

The Venue

Venues tend to influence the finished look of a wedding. Picking the right location ties everything together, making it easier for you to cultivate the exact aesthetic you envision. Again, what is deemed modern will fluctuate. Not only does the location itself make a difference, but how you dress things up will also make or break the results. For years, the minimalist look was popular. Nowadays, couples are shying away from this and adding more bold colors and statement pieces of décor.

The Antithesis to Rustic

One simple way to view modern weddings is by contrasting and comparing the events to nuptials that invoke a rustic aesthetic. If rustic weddings are meant to bring about the energy of life in the country, modern events are meant to give off an air of urban living. For this reason alone, many modern receptions take place in venues that have an industrial vibe. Though the materials are different, texture plays as much a part in modern celebrations as it does in country affairs. Instead of grainy wood, your event space should showcase dark metals and exposed brick.

The Offbeat Ideas

To capture the energy of living in a city, you may find your best bet is to host your wedding in an urban area. Whether you live within the limits of a metropolis or you’re just outside in the suburbs, the venues found in cosmopolitan areas can be impressive. Some offbeat options to consider are public parks, museums, art galleries, and historic churches. Naturally, the options will depend on what attractions the city itself boasts. Keep in mind, most of these venues will cost a bit more than those found outside the city. 

The Final Reminder

One last point to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t stress too much about whether your wedding feels modern. Time is constantly moving forward, and it is impossible to be completely current with your ideas. At the end of the day, you need to make decisions and feel satisfied with what you’ve selected. It is highly unlikely anyone at your wedding will be as concerned with this detail as you are, so it is best to let it go and enjoy yourself.

It can often prove challenging to try and define a concept that is in a constant state of flux. Still, this doesn’t mean that throwing a modern wedding is an impossible feat. Review different examples and images of nuptials that fall into this category. After you’ve got an idea, you’ll start to feel inspired on how your own wedding should play out!

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