Religion serves a variety of purposes for human beings. Turning to a spiritual source can be vital when a person is seeking answers about the greater mysteries of life or simply requires a bit of comfort, guidance, or insight into scenarios involving moral conflict. It makes sense that religion’s influence would creep into the way the average person moves through his or her life. According to statistics from the Pew Research Center, there seems to be a direct connection between what a person believes about God and how he or she interacts with the world.
Believe in God Above All
When interviewed about what defines a Christian, members of this faith stated that the most important aspect of Christianity was a belief in God above all else. These people firmly believe that one must believe wholeheartedly in God in order to be considered a “true Christian.” However, this was not a unanimous decision amongst followers. Only 86% of individuals who identified as Christian believed this. The rest stated that it was the teachings found in the Bible that took precedence over a simple belief in a higher power.
Show Gratitude
After belief in God, a majority of Christians stated that gratitude was one of the most important aspects of how religion influences their daily lives. By remaining grateful for everything that God has brought into their lives, followers are able to extend that same appreciation to the people they interact with throughout their days. For example, many people state that they feel happy with whatever life throws their way because they know it is what God wants them to have, which gives them a feeling of thanks.
Naturally, no group is a monolith in its beliefs and plenty have a difficult time practicing what they preach. While roughly 70% of the Christians polled stated that gratitude was vital to their lives, most also admitted that they struggle to show this gratefulness to the fullest.
Forgive Everyone
Forgiveness is a key element of the teachings of Jesus Christ. In fact, one of the most famous lines attributed to Jesus while dying on the cross at the hands of humanity is: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” It makes sense that 69% of Christians interviewed by the Pew Research Center stated how vital forgiveness was to their everyday lives as members of the Christian faith. Again, however, a number of people who were polled also expressed that it was “easier said than done” to be as forgiving as they would like to be.
Exist in a Family
The concept of the “traditional family” is one that many conservative politicians in the United States claim is a foundational element of Christianity. While there is absolutely no reference to the American family unit in the Bible, it is a tactic these political figures use to manipulate their constituents into votes. In fact, the concept of family does not rank as high as most people would believe for Christians. According to the Pew study, less than 48% of individuals said that being a part of a family is a vital aspect of their daily lives as Christians.
It is interesting to note that many people said “community” was more important to the Christian faith than family. This is largely due to Jesus’ role as a “shepherd of humanity.” All humans are part of the same flock, which means they are technically all part of the same family. In this sense, many Christians would rather spend time with people who are members of their church, rather than their blood family members.
Live Your Life
Christianity offers followers a variety of rules, regulations, and guidelines for how to live their lives. While the Pew study showcases a handful of beliefs, it is important to remember that each person who identifies as a member of this group likely has highly individualized beliefs about their religious ideas.