Baptism is one of the most important rites of passage connected to Christianity and many of its various denominations. By undergoing the process of baptism, a person is willingly taking on the role of a follower of Christ. Though many outsiders view baptism as a symbolic gesture of “washing away the sins of the path,” this is not exactly correct. There are plenty of facts surrounding baptism that can seem a bit confusing. Take a look at this breakdown of the tradition and gain perspective on the vital nature of the ritual. 

Taking a Closer Look at Baptism

According to various passages from the Bible, baptism acts as a method of identification for followers of Christianity. Many of the apostles wrote about the importance of baptism in their contributions to the Bible. The Apostle Paul, for example, stated that those who were baptized were not merely baptized in Christ’s birth. The act of baptism also connects followers to Christ’s death and eventual resurrection. 

How Jesus Connects With Baptism

Jesus was baptized initially by his cousin John the Baptist. Since both John and Jesus were raised under Judaism, they were familiar with the many customs associated with the religious system. While not exactly the same, John likely was inspired by the purification rites surrounding Halakha. There are a number of similarities between this tradition and baptism. Specifically, both processes utilize water that has been acquired from a natural source in the act of cleansing the body. While it was born of other traditions, the term “baptism” is unique to Christian beliefs. 

The act of baptism is meant to connect followers to Jesus in a number of key ways. One, being baptized proves that a person is committed to following the teachings of Jesus Christ. Two, baptism is meant to act as the start of a Christian’s journey. Once a person has been baptized, he or she has been marked with the identifying signifier that all Christians must bear. 

Differing Approaches Across Sects

While baptism follows similar processes across Christian denominations, each sect has different ways of approaching the task. For example, those who identify as Roman Catholics tend to have their children baptized within a few years of being born. While a traditional part of Catholicism, many argue that baptizing a child is unfair, as the baby has no way of actually claiming a commitment to Christ. Many other denominations wait until a person is fully grown so that the decision is made without coercion and with a sound mind. 

The Actual Baptismal Process

The way a person is baptized also varies from one denomination to the next. When a baby or small child is undergoing the process, he or she is usually held above the water while the priest sprinkles a bit of it onto the child’s head. With adults, however, the process can be a bit more complex. Many adults are baptized by going to a large body of water like a lake, river, or swimming pool. The adult will be plunged below the surface of the water, becoming completely immersed.

Just as important as being plunged into the water is coming up out of it. Taking your first gasp of air after emerging from the water is meant to act as a rebirth. Just as a baby welcomes air into its lungs when he or she comes out of the womb, so do followers of Christ breathe into new life as they step out of the pool. 

Learning About the Tradition

Whether you’re a follower of Christianity or someone interested in the religion, there are many interesting facts to learn about baptism. Take time to research more and see how vital this rite is to those who believe in Jesus. 

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