The wedding reception is a significant and fun part of your wedding day. It's the part of the day when people can relax, enjoy themselves, dance, and congratulate the bride and groom. Many traditions can be a part of the reception, such as the bouquet toss, the garter toss, and the first dance as husband and wife. One of the things you will have to decide is what food to serve at your reception. There are various options, and it will likely be determined by your budget, time of day, and wedding size. There are several different options and styles for serving food at a wedding reception.

A Formal Dinner

A formal dinner will be your most traditional option, particularly if you have a wedding in the afternoon or early evening. There are often multiple courses, such as an appetizer, soup, main course, and dessert. It's best if you ask people to select their dinner option when they RSVP so you have an idea of how much of each item to serve. Beef, chicken, steak, and fish are all excellent main entree options.

Food Stations

Perhaps you can't decide on one thing, your marriage combines two cultures, or you want to offer something for everyone. A great way to do this is with food stations. You can have pizza, tacos, sushi, and pasta bars set up where people can walk up and serve themselves. This ensures that everyone gets to eat something they enjoy and can save the hassle of serving people their food.

Buffet Style

A similar way to do this is with a buffet. This can be a good option if there are people who eat a vegetarian, pescatarian, or vegan diet, as they can select the foods they can eat and avoid the ones they can't. In addition, people can eat as much or as little as they want, and just like having food stations, people can serve themselves, making the process less work for the wedding party or the caterers you have hired to provide the food. 


Appetizers are a great option if you want to feed your guests but don't have the money for a full meal. You can either have servers walk around with hors d'oeuvres for people to take as they please, or have a nice charcuterie board set up at each table with crackers, cheeses, and fruit. If you want to do something more creative and unique, consider having a chocolate fountain or something similar.

Cake and Punch

Your wedding day is about dedicating the rest of your life to your partner, not what food you will serve during the reception. If money is tight or you don't feel like spending the bulk of your budget on food, serving cake and punch at your wedding is perfectly acceptable. This still offers something to enjoy at the reception and is much less expensive than serving a meal.

If you decide to go with cake and punch, consider having brunch the next day that you invite your wedding party and family to attend. This gives you fewer people to feed and a more intimate gathering. This is not required, but a fun idea if you want to take it a step further than cake and punch.

Only you and your spouse can decide what you can afford and what you choose to serve at your wedding. Setting a budget and doing some research will help you determine your best option. Also, consider the time of day and how large your wedding is when figuring out the suitable food to serve. This can help narrow down your options as well.

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