Women Studying the BibleIn honor of Women’s History Month, let’s remember these women from the Bible who were courageous and honorable. Some of these women were never even given a name, but they saved lives and protected people who were vital to the lineage of Jesus.

The Shunammite Woman

Her story is told in 2 Kings 4:9–17. This prominent woman persuaded Elisha, the prophet, to have a meal with her family. She asked her husband to make a special room for Elisha to provide real hospitality to the prophet when he traveled through. Elisha offered to grant her something special for her hospitality. She refused, saying, “I live among my own people in peace and need no special favors.” Elisha granted her a son. It took courage to ask her husband to do more than was required.

Rahab, the Innkeeper

Rahab hid Hebrew spies in her house to protect them from the Jericho soldiers. She was saved from the massacre of Jericho. The New Testament praises her as a “saint who lived by faith” and is “considered righteous” for her actions. Some believe that she might have been a prostitute or used the inn as a brothel because she hid men and begged them to save her family. Her trust delivered her.

The Woman of Tekoa

In 2 Samuel 14, King David meets a woman who is only called the woman of Tekoa. She pretended to be a widow who wanted something from the king, but she was lying. David had banished his son, Absalom, and so the wise woman of Tekoa helped him see that reconciliation is a better solution than banishment. It took more than courage to go before the king and lie to him.

Pharaoh’s Daughter (Adopted Mother of Moses)

The Pharaoh’s daughter saved Moses from the Nile when he was a baby. It was her father who ordered the Hebrew babies killed, making her act bold and brave. Jewish tradition says that she was exiled for claiming a Hebrew child as her own. She’s never given a name in the Bible, but she was so gracious that she allowed Moses’ birth mother to nurse him.

Jochebed (Moses’ Birth Mother)

Jochebed defied the Pharaoh by not killing her son when he was born. She protected him until placing him in a basket that she set in the Nile. Moses had many women who kept him safe until he could take his place in history. Jochebed doesn’t get mentioned very much, but she, too, was a courageous woman who went against the rule of law because it was wrong.

Deborah the Judge

Deborah is the only female judge mentioned in the Old Testament. She oversaw a battle led by Barak in which the enemy was completely defeated. The Israelites had been living in oppression for 20 years. Once the battle was over, there was peace for 40 years. Deborah is celebrated for helping in the military victory. Under her leadership, the Israelites returned to the Torah and observance of the law. Her story is brief, but she was an amazing woman of her time.

Queen Vashti

Vashti’s story is told in the book of Esther. Although Esther was a courageous woman in her own right, Vashti is often overlooked. She refused the king’s order to show off her beauty and was banished from the kingdom. Esther took her place. Vashti is often seen as one of the first feminists. She stood up for herself and dealt with the consequences at a time when women were supposed to be submissive and docile. Vashti had dignity and self-respect.

How Will You Be Remembered?

Be inspired by these women who acted courageously in spite of the gender roles of society. 

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