Save the Date Card in a Brown Envelope

According to etiquette, wedding invitations are typically sent between six and eight weeks before the event itself. However, you want to give your guests a bit more warning than this so they can keep your wedding date open on their calendars. This is why mailing out save-the-date cards is a popular choice. While putting together these cards is somewhat straightforward, there are a handful of mistakes to stay mindful of. Look over these tips and learn more about what errors to avoid. 

The Timing

Perhaps the biggest mistake that couples make with save-the-date cards is sending them out at the wrong time. If you mail them too early, your guests might misplace the cards and forget all about the information. Conversely, mailing them too late may not offer enough time for family and friends to keep the day open on their schedules. Wedding experts suggest mailing save-the-dates anywhere between six and eight months before the event in order to provide the perfect amount of time for guests to make arrangements for your big day. 

The Information

A lot can change as you move through the process of planning your wedding. While you might feel inclined to include points on your save-the-dates like the venue information or the start time of the event, it is best to avoid providing too much information on the cards. This way, you won’t be sending conflicting information to your guests if you decide to book a different venue or begin the wedding at a different time. All you have to include on the save-the-dates is your name and the date.

The Look

While you might put a lot of thought behind the design of your wedding invitations, you don’t need to be as thorough when it comes to the look of your save-the-dates. Since these cards are meant to be informal, you can feel free to have a little bit of fun with the design. One practical idea to consider is to mail out your save-the-dates as magnets. Your guests can put the cards right on their fridges so that the information is readily available to them.

The Guests

It might seem obvious, but only people you plan on inviting to your wedding should receive save-the-date cards. This means that you need to give yourself plenty of time to finalize your guest list before you mail out your cards. The save-the-dates should also make it clear who in the household is invited to the event. Include all of the names of the guests on the envelope to avoid any confusion. If you’re giving certain people plus-one invites, then you can point this out on the envelope by adding “and guest” after the person’s name. 

The Medium

These days, many couples are avoiding traditional save-the-dates by exploring cost-effective alternatives. Instead of mailing out physical cards, you may find it more practical to send an electronic save-the-date. While this can be a helpful way to save money with your mailers, your guests may have a difficult time remembering the date when the information is sent to them as an email or text message. Weigh all of your options to determine which medium is the best way to deliver the info to your family and friends. 

The Extras

Finally, feel free to include information about your wedding website on your save-the-dates. This way, guests will have a place to turn to if they have any questions about where you’re registered for gifts or if they want to scope out pictures of the venue where you are planning on tying the knot. 

While not mandatory, mailing out save-the-date cards is a practical way of giving your guests fair warning about when you plan on getting married. By knowing what mistakes to avoid, you can ensure your cards include all relevant information about your big day. 

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