Woman Searching on a ComputerConsidering ordination through the Universal Life Church? Naturally, you may have some questions about the process. How much does it cost to become ordained? Is ordination permanent? Keep reading to find answers to these and other frequently asked questions. You'll learn how to be an ordained minister, how to access training materials, and more. 

How long does it take to get ordained?

If you're wondering, "How long does it take to become ordained?", you can rest easy. It literally takes just a few minutes. All you need to do is complete and submit the ordination form on the ULC website's front page. You'll receive a confirmation email in a few minutes, so check your messages. If you don't see the confirmation email, try looking for it in your spam folder. Once you have that email, your ordination is complete.

As you fill out the form, remember to use only your legal name and double-check your spelling before submitting the form. If you change your name after you've been ordained, you can always contact the ULC and update your records. 

How much does it cost to be ordained?

Many prospective ministers ask, "How much does it cost to get ordained online?" The answer is simple: nothing. Online ordination through the ULC is absolutely and always free of charge. 

How long does being ordained last?

Once you've been ordained through the ULC, your status as an ordained minister lasts for the rest of your life. You can choose to be active or inactive with your personal ministry at any time.

Upon ordination, you're automatically registered for an online account through the ULC. Through this account, you can set up a minister's profile that includes your location, contact information, services offered, and fees for services. 

What minister training resources are available?

As a ULC-ordained minister, you have access to free training resources on our website. Our minister training center includes a wealth of useful instruction on starting a ministry, delivering sermons, and performing ceremonies such as baptisms, funerals, and house blessings. 

Since many ULC-ordained ministers solemnize marriages, we've dedicated an entire section to weddings. You can learn some essentials of performing a wedding: writing a ceremony script, filling out a marriage license, and officiating the ceremony itself. You can also see valuable advice about becoming a professional officiant, providing marriage counseling, and other relevant topics. No matter where you officiate, be sure to check out state wedding laws so you can ensure each ceremony meets your jurisdiction's requirements.

Are there books that can help my ministry?

Besides free training resources, the ULC also offers essential supplies through the ministry supply store. Here, you can find religious texts plus useful guidebooks for wedding ceremonies, starting a nonprofit organization, baptisms, funerals, and more.

Where can I purchase ministry supplies?

In the ministry store, you can also order wedding packages containing your official credentials. Whether your jurisdiction requires you to register as a minister or does not ask for proof of ordination, you'll want to have these documents on hand. They can save you time and headaches just in case officials need to confirm that you have the authority to solemnize weddings. 

We hope this short FAQ provided the information you need about ordination through the Universal Life Church. The ULC has ordained more than 20 million ministers from all over the world. These ministers use their ordained status to help do good. One example is Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness —  JVN officiated a wedding for a Seattle couple during Pride Month in 2019. Whether you, too, want to officiate weddings or help people in other ways, ordination through the ULC is a practical first step.

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