Mixing Salt at a Wedding CeremonyThere are many different ways to conduct a wedding. Some couples want the service to be short and sweet, while others find more meaning in a ceremony that incorporates all the rites and rituals that communicate their commitment to each other. A salt ceremony wedding encompasses a treasured ritual for many couples.

Essentially, the ceremony starts with two different jars of salt. Then the couple takes their own jars and pours them together into a third receptacle. As the salt is irrevocably joined, so is the couple. It's important for ordained ministers to understand the significance of salt covenants and know how to write a suitable script so that they're ready if a couple requests this service.

Understanding the History

As with most rituals, the salt covenant wedding ceremony has historical significance, particularly among those whose faith has a background in Judaism. Salt was commonly used in many observations and held particular meaning for each one. There are several different reasons why including salt in the ceremony may be important to a couple:

  • It signifies endurance. Long ago, salt was one of the key ingredients in any kind of preservation. It was used in food storage, burials and sacrifices. A salt covenant is a long-lasting arrangement between two parties that cannot be broken. 
  • It evokes communal hospitality. Salt is a staple offering during a shared meal. Using salt in a wedding ceremony is a recognition of the couple's intention to practice hospitality with each other on a daily basis so that they are well equipped to extend welcome to others.
  • It defies separation. When grains of salt are poured together, it's impossible to tell which particles came from which person. One party can never remove the exact same grains of salt that they contributed. This signifies that once joined, the individual persons are bound together forever. They cannot part ways and be the same as they were before.

A couple can choose to include one or any combination of these meanings in their salt covenant wedding. Officiants should meet with the couple to discuss the meaning so that the ceremony is exactly what they want it to be. 

Writing the Script

Before writing the script for the wedding, the minister should meet with the couple so that they are all on the same page about what should happen during the ceremony. Ministers can start with a basic script and add rituals that are important to the couple, or they can create the whole service from scratch. The final script should flow smoothly from one part of the ceremony to the next. 

A salt covenant wedding script doesn't usually encompass the whole service but rather occurs during the portion of the ceremony in which the couple exchanges vows. To ensure that attendees understand the meaning of the covenant, the couple may want the minister to explain the history behind it. Then the minister can detail what is about to happen or explain the actions of the couple as they perform them. Once the salts are poured together, the declaration of eternal commitment is issued. That proclamation typically concludes the salt covenant service.

To officiate a salt ceremony wedding, the minister must understand not only the steps involved but also the meaning behind them. Reading about the history of salt covenants is a good place to start. Talking to the couple about what this particular ritual means to each of them is even more important. Only then can the minister create a script that accurately encompasses the meaning of the salt ceremony, ensuring that it is the beautiful expression of everlasting love it's meant to be. 

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