Officiant at a WeddingHave you recently been asked to officiate the wedding of someone close to you? This can be a huge honor. Naturally, it can also make you feel a bit anxious. When you have never taken on this task before, you may not be sure where to start. Though there are plenty of things to take care of in advance, you can easily manage this without stress. Use this quick guide to stay on track and complete each item on your to-do list with ample time before the wedding.

Begin With Certification 

Are you currently an officiant who can legally perform weddings within your state? If you’ve never officiated before or have never been asked to take on this responsibility, then it is highly unlikely you are registered yet. Before you do anything else, you must become certified. Thankfully, this is not complicated in the slightest. As long as you have an internet connection and a short window of time, you can get online and register yourself within mere moments. Once this is out of the way, the rest becomes a lot easier to manage.

Understand the Law

The laws surrounding marriage differ greatly from state to state. Though almost all states allow officiants of all denominations to handle marriages, certain locations may ask more of the person performing the ceremony. After registering, look into the specific laws and regulations of your state. If required, request or print a certificate that proves your status. While you may never need to produce these documents as proof, having them handy is a guaranteed way to ensure you are prepared for whatever surprises may get thrown your way.

Talk to the Couple

Before you start planning the details of the service, you absolutely need to talk to the couple about what they desire and expect. If you wing it or put together a speech that doesn’t match the vibe of the event, you’re going to be taking this great honor and throwing it out the window. Sit down with the couple and ask what they definitely want included in the ceremony and what they could do without. You may be given more creative control than you anticipated, so don’t be surprised if the couple asks you to plan it all.

The best way to plan from scratch is to look at some templates. Reading through a few variations of an officiant’s speech can help you figure out what words make sense for the people being celebrated. You may also wish to include a reading or two, but be sure that you’ve talked this over with the couple before you lengthen the ceremony in such a way.

Remember Your Legal Responsibility

Plenty of officiants get so caught up in the excitement of marrying people that they forget there is also a serious legal responsibility attached to the position. The couple will usually obtain the marriage license before the event itself. After the ceremony has been completed, it is your job to sign the license in all of the correct places. Some couples may request that you submit the license to the offices, especially if the couple is leaving town for the honeymoon right away. Since this is a critical part of the process, be sure to stay on top of your game. 

Enjoy Yourself

Being asked to officiate a friend’s wedding is a great responsibility, but you shouldn’t let that distract you from having a good time. Once you’ve finished the ceremony, you’re free to kick back and enjoy the event as a guest. You’ll likely receive some compliments and thanks from other guests, so be prepared to have some attention thrust on you after your primary role of the night has finished.

As long as you follow the right steps, you’ll have no problem preparing for this big honor. Get officiated, find a script, and help bring together a beautiful day for people you love.

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