What You Should Know About Online Ordination

Smiling ordained minister in his ministry

If you’ve felt a calling to minister to others in an official capacity, you owe it to your ministry to fully understand the legal principles behind ordination. In various faiths and religions, the path to becoming ordained is filled with many requirements, often mandating years of dedicated study to be considered fit to minister.

Each belief system or denomination comes up with its own program for its adherents to take the cloth. The online ordination process pioneered by the ULCM, while simple to navigate, is every bit as legitimate and valid as those instituted by more traditional, mainstream faith systems and is built intentionally to let anyone over the age of 18 who feels so-called to take control of their spiritual life.

Joining the Universal Life Church Ministries

Over 20 million people have found a path to ordination through the Universal Life Church Ministries, with more joining each day. All that is required is a thirst for knowledge and a calling to serve others in ministry. No other experience is necessary. It’s as simple as completing the ordination application here on this page. A couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you use your full, legal name when applying for ordination.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older to get ordained.
  • Once your application has been received, we’ll send you a confirmation email.

Getting Familiar With Local Laws

In order to best serve others as a minister, it’s important to familiarize yourself with local regulations within your home state and county, as well as any other jurisdictions you plan to operate in. As an ordained minister you are legally authorized to act as an officiant for weddings and other ceremonies, but you’ll need to make sure you’re abiding by any requirements in place at the local level. For example, you may need to furnish proof of ordination or register locally before officiating a marriage ceremony.

Check out our minister store to find materials such as a certificate of ordination. When it comes to leading a ministry, you never stop learning even if you already have a wealth of experience. Our minister training center is your go-to for a deeper look into topics related to various aspects of serving.

Heeding the call to join the clergy is not something to be taken lightly. From spiritual leadership to officiating, you fill an important role to others, and it’s important for you to operate within both legal and spiritual confines.