Be a Minister Blog - Page #13

Trends Shaping the Way Couples Are Tackling Wedding Decor

Wedding decor feels pricey, although it is the secret weapon that most wedding designers go to. Tackling wedding decor can be overwhelming, and see in this article how ULC ministers start the process.

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Simple Funeral Etiquette for Those Dealing With a Loss

Simple Funeral Etiquette is important, even if the one who passed was a close loved one. While it might seem easy to think about what you should NOT do at a funeral, it's always best to revisit some etiquette lessons.

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How To Improve Executive Function

Impulsive or not we all have blurted out things on impulse that we may have regretted later. Executive Function studies how impulses affect us and our brains. Improving this can lead to better experiences in your clergy!

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The Basics of Hygge

Hygge was first practiced/started in the middle ages, although it has progressed into what it is today. What is Hygge? Simply put, it's spending quality times with close ones. As a ULC Minister, see how Hygge can help!

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Unique Child Naming Traditions From Around the World

The name of your child is obviously impactful as it'll follow them around for their whole lives. But, what do you know about other cultures unique child naming practices? Check out this insightful ULC blog to see!

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Planning Advice for Your 2023 Outdoor Wedding

While the pandemic not be at the height that it was in 2020, COVID-19 is still around and it can start to spike once people start traveling more in the summer. An outdoor wedding is still possible in 2023!

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Reasons To Be Actively Engaged in Your Church

Engaging in your church can be beneficial for you and your followers. The social interaction can lead to positive feelings all around, and much more! As a ULC minister, see how you can better be engaged in your church.

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Baptism and Christening Customs Around the World

While baptisms are common in the US, how that ceremony is performed and the customs around it differ around the world. As a ULC minister, you can do ceremonies like this and see the different customs in this ULC blog.

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Little Details You Can Personalize for Your Wedding

As a ULC Minister, you know how to put on a wedding- so why not help out with the little details? Paying attention to the small details can really set your wedding apart while adding a personal flair to the ceremony!

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An Overview of Acting as a Wedding Officiant

While the ULC makes getting ordained easy, actually performing the marriage can be a little more difficult! Acting as a Wedding Officiant is a serious matter, and check out this blog to be prepared as a minister!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."