Theravada New Year
Theravada Buddhism, known as "the way of the elders," emphasizes core teachings like the four noble truths. Its New Year celebration involves water rituals, sandcastle building, almsgiving, and a focus on kindness.
Read MoreTheravada Buddhism, known as "the way of the elders," emphasizes core teachings like the four noble truths. Its New Year celebration involves water rituals, sandcastle building, almsgiving, and a focus on kindness.
Read MoreMarriage is not only a wonderful thing, it is also a decision that has lasting impacts and very much affects your future. It's important to talk to your partner, and see common topics in this ULC article.
Read MoreNostalgia is a common feelings humans experiece. Even a simple smell can trigger intense emotions and feelings. There are benefits of nostalgia, and it's important to understand why. See why in this ULC article.
Read MorePlanning a funeral repast while grieving can be especially difficult. Buying food, supplies, and paying for a funeral can make the experience tougher as well. See here how you can plan a funeral repast.
Read MoreWhile grief is an emotion felt by all individuals religious or not, members of the Jewsih have a mourning process that is found in the Torah. For those unfamiliar with this tradition can learn more through this article.
Read MoreImpulsive or not we all have blurted out things on impulse that we may have regretted later. Executive Function studies how impulses affect us and our brains. Improving this can lead to better experiences in your clergy!
Read MoreDress codes for weddings always depend on the culture of the people getting married, and how preppy/formal the event is meant to be. A backyard-BBQ wedding may not need a suit and tie, but be prepared for any wedding!
Read MoreIn religions all over the world water is used as a cleansing tool and to also symbolize rebirth and purity. The Mikveh is a type of "ritual bath" used in the Jewsih religion. As a ULC minister be ready for this ceremony.
Read MoreAddressing your inner critic can be a difficult journey. As well, dwelling in your own thoughts and past mistakes can be detremental to your life today. We all have an inner critic, and see how you can best manage yours.
Read MoreDuring times of grief and during the grieving process it can be easy to isolate yourself. That can do more harm than good, and see what ULC ministers do to build a support system during the hard times of grieving.
Read MoreWe remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.
Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine: