Online Ordination - Page 8

The Benefits of Choosing a Friend as Your Wedding Officiant

It's common to have an individual who's ordained officiate your wedding, and its really only one of 3 people who can sign a marriage license! ULC provides free ordinations, so see why your friends should officiate!

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Jewish Grief and Mourning in the 21st Century

While grief is an emotion felt by all individuals religious or not, members of the Jewsih have a mourning process that is found in the Torah. For those unfamiliar with this tradition can learn more through this article.

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How To Do a Soul Check

A soul check is a way to look within yourself and evaluate not only your mental health, but how you feel about your place in the world and the relationships you're in. See what else it could mean in this ULC article.

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Making the Most of a Tight Honeymoon Budget

A tight honeymoon budget doesn't mean it can't be a grand and spectacular honeymoon. ULC ministers know a thing or two about honeymoons since they marry so many people, and see what tips they have for you!

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How To Practice Gentleness

A gentle touch could be the final piece your ministry needs to excell. But, what is gentleness? And how do we achieve it? ULC ministers approach situations with a gentle touch and you can learn how in this ULC article.

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Tips for Convincing Your Partner To Save Money on Your Nuptials

"Cheap" isn't how one would want their wedding described. Although, there has to be some middle ground between a cheapo wedding and something that breaks the bank. See how you can talk to your spouse about wedding costs.

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Chronic Illness and Life Insurance: What You Should Know

Life insurance and chronic illness don't always go hand in hand, and sometimes insurance companies could reject you on the premis of pre-existing  conditions. Explore your options with this handy ULC article.

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Trends Shaping the Way Couples Are Tackling Wedding Decor

Wedding decor feels pricey, although it is the secret weapon that most wedding designers go to. Tackling wedding decor can be overwhelming, and see in this article how ULC ministers start the process.

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Simple Funeral Etiquette for Those Dealing With a Loss

Simple Funeral Etiquette is important, even if the one who passed was a close loved one. While it might seem easy to think about what you should NOT do at a funeral, it's always best to revisit some etiquette lessons.

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How To Improve Executive Function

Impulsive or not we all have blurted out things on impulse that we may have regretted later. Executive Function studies how impulses affect us and our brains. Improving this can lead to better experiences in your clergy!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."