Online Ordination - Page 14

Tips for Coming Out of Isolation

Being isolated due to COVID-19 can be taxing on both your mind and spirituatity. Plus, coming out of isolation can be difficult as you navigate society again. See how fellow ULC ministers dealt with these issues!

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The Benefits of Having a Variety of Relationships

The Benefits of Having a Variety of Relationships can be immense and really impact your quality of life. As a ULC minister, you have a unique position to bring people from different walks of life together. See how!

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How To Become a Wedding Officiant Online

The Universal Life Church Ministries has been in existence since before the year 2000. Serving over millions of ministers, we know a thing or two about ordinations! See how easy it is to become an ULC Minister!

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How To Attract Gen Z Members to Your Church

While this new generation may reject traditional religion, that doesn't mean they are totally against religion. Gen Z has a unique set of values and expectations and see what ULC ministers are doing to get 'em to church!

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Characteristics of Loving Friendships

As a ULC minister, you have an unique opportunity to be a person, and a place, that can foster loving friendships. Creating these types of relationships can lead to a happier clergy, and see how ULC experts achieve that.

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How To Host a Cookie Exchange

Whether it be for Christmas, your birthday, or any other religious or special occasion,  baking cookies is never a bad idea! For first timers, it can be dicey. See how ULC experts put together their own cookie exchange!

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The Church's Role in Response to Violence

Violence plagues many communities. In fact, many people seek the comfort of churches and religon when either plagued by gun violence or trying to escape violence on the streets. The church can play a big role, see how.

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Ideas for a Non-Religious Funeral

One of the benefits of being ordained through the ULC Ministries is that we are a non-denominational church, meaning as a ULC minister you can do a funeral for any religion, and this blog provides training as well.

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An Exploration of Salt Covenant Weddings

As a ULC Minister, you can do a wide variety of ceremonies. Salt Covenant Weddings are included. Haven't heard of a Salt Covenant Wedding? Then you're in luck! ULC Ministers break it down in this ULC blog.

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How To Overcome Being Overcommitted

Some of us under-commit, and on the otherside some people overcommit. Comitting to too many ceremonies/jobs can cause great stress in your life. See how fellow ULC minister overcome being overcomitted!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."