Ministry - Page 18

One Couple, Multiple Ceremonies

Couples who want multiple ceremonies isn't all that uncommon. COVID has affected traveling to marriages, or a couple might have large friends and familes and need multiple ceremonies. Learn how to balance multiple weds!

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How To Minimize Stress on Busy Days

Stress feels inescapable at times and more than overwhelming. Tag on a busy-day to an already stressful day and bad things can happen. Learn how to cultivate healthy habits to manage stress on busy days.

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Love, Romance and Marriage in the Video Game World

Online friends, believe it or not, are real friends. Interacting with people online can sometime progress into a more intimate relationship. It's a new concept, and ULC experts have this article to discuss it!

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Countercultural Happiness: Joy Through Action

Joy, simply put, is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. If you're having trouble finding joy in your everyday life, trying Joy through Action could prove beneficial! Check out this article on how to get started.

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What You Should Know About Funeral Insurance

Insurance is tricky. Weird jargon, confusing terms and unhelpful insurance agents make it difficult for everyday people to know what coverage is best. Funeral insurance is no different and get help with this article.

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How To Overcome Fear

Fear affects all. It's a common emotion that all of us have felt at one point or another. For ministers, fear could be holding them back from pursuing their minister path. Read here how to overcome fear.

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Death Personified: A Quick History of the Grim Reaper

Just as religion is passed from generations to generations, folklore is as well. The stories that scare and excite us always tend to stay with us. The Grim Reaper is one of those tales. But, do we know the whole story?

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Why Singing Is Important to the Church

Singing, and humans need for music, has been noticed for centuries. Either for pleasure or for worship, music invokes an emotional response and brings people together. For the church, it's more than tradition.

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How To Write Wedding Vows That Reflect Your Relationship

Emotions can be sometimes harder to put into words than to actually feel. As well, not all of us can capture detail like Mark Twain. Knowing this, ULC wedding experts put this together for anyone struggling.

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Tips To Feel Your Absolute Best on Your Big Day

Stress and nerves might over shadow the excitement and emotion of your big day, and it's important to know what you can do to avoid that. Feeling your best goes beyond healthy eating, and here's how to unlock your best!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."