Baptisms - Page 4

Your Quick Guide to Budget-Friendly Wedding Flowers

Believe it or not, flowers can be one of the most expensive decorations when it comes to a wedding. From high end flowers to basic, it will still cost a boatload. See this helpful ULC article for budget friendly flowers!

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Help! I’ve Been Invited to a Baptism and I Don’t Know What To Do!

As an ULC minister, you can do more than just perform marriages! Baptisms are another common ceremony ULC ministers are asked to do. But what if you've never done one? Check out this ULC blog to get started!

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Religious Water Rituals Around the World

Baptisms are the most commonly known water-based ritual in America, but there are truly so much more! As a non-demoninational minister, you can do a vast variety of water-based rituals. Read on to find out more!

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What You Should Know About Baptism Safety

Baptisms aren't a complicated ceremony, but anytime you have young children submersed in water it could lead to issues. Learn how ULC Ministers perform safe and truly holy Baptism ceremonies through this ULC article!

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We remind you to get ordained if you haven't already. This is the first step in the process that will allow you to legally officiate weddings of friends and family. You can also perform baptisms, preside over funerals, offer blessings, and even absolve the sins of others.

Universal Live Church ministers com from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Whether you identify as Catholic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, Muslim, or even Atheist or Agnostic, we recognize and offer products needed for your ministry. Our common thread is our adherence to the Universal Life Church doctrine:

"Do only that which is right."